Complete your profile

Open and login with your email address and password provided

Upon login, it is recommended to complete your profile first. It takes simple steps to complete your profile. Submit your basic profile information as your first step.

Step 1. Click on Profile

After login, you will see a screen similar to the below screenshot.

On the left-hand side of the screen; you’ll see a ‘Profile’ button.

Step 2. Update your profile

Upon clicking on ‘Profile’ you’ll see four options namely

  • Landing Name
  • Address
  • Images
  • Social Media

You’re required to fill and complete all these fields to complete your profile.

2 - Add your Trip Types

In the next step; you’re required to create your Trip Types. You can create trip types as you desire. Some of the ideal trip types are Full day trip, half day trip, Overnight trip, Full day charters, and more. You can add your custom trip type here.
To create a new Trip Type; you’re required to click on Trip Types from the left side column. You can also select the Trip type option from options shown in the tabs in between.
Once you click on ‘Trip Type’ option; you’ll have to add your own trip types. Here are sample trip types for your reference. You can add trip types as you desire.
To add a new ‘Trip type’, click on ‘Add Trip Type’ on the top right section of the screen.
As you click on it; enter your details:

3 - Add your Boat in GoFish

Here, you’re required to add your boats that will run these trips. To add your boats; go to the ‘Boats’ section from the left side column.
In the next step; you’re required to click on the ‘Add boat’ option on the top right section of your screen.
As you’ll click on it; you’ll see the following options to be filled –